v1.4 December XX, 2012 * New config file locating method. Attempts to detect Optware. * Fix: Bug introduced in 1.3.1 caused HUP not to use command-line vars when reloading config variables. * Re-worked command-line/config parser in anticipation of 'bare options'. * New command-line option '--config' to specify the config file. * Finally added section on configuring Postfix to use POP-Before-SMTP-Auth. * Logging to syslog now optional. * Config parser now parses entire config file instead of terminating at the first error. This allows you to see all config errors at once. * HUP now parses config and only reloads if there are no errors. * Includes a manpage v1.3.1 September 21, 2012 * Internal code changes. Switched to single-quoting. * Fixed some config variable bugs that probably made 3.0 unusable for some. v1.3 September 21, 2012 * tailfile class and file (tailfile.phpc) have been eliminated, making pop-before-smtp-auth a self-contained script with fewer total lines. * Generates a message to syslog if the monitored log file disappears for more than a configurable amount of seconds. * Various internal changes that didn't change functionality available, but cleaned up the code a bit. v1.2 September 15, 2012 * Use #!/usr/bin/env php for better portability * Use pcntl-signal-dispatch instead of ticks. * Now requires PHP 5.3 as a result. * New configuration setting 'logignores' (default TRUE) determines whether messages about mail collectors get logged. * Fixed some error messages that weren't being sent to syslog. * Daemonization config setting (default TRUE) determines whether or not pop-before-smtp-auth daemonizes. * The regex to match log lines can now be changed by setting the 'regex', 'regexstamp', 'regexuser', and 'regexip" configuration settings. v1.1 January 22, 2012 * Fixed up init scripts a bit * Changed to ignore Gmail mail collectors * Log failure if tailfile class file can't be found * Makes own PID file, * Daemonized * De-PHPified the config file. v1.0 January 4, 2012 Initial Version