Getmail Retriever is a Roundcube plugin to collect mail from external e-mail accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) per-user, using getmail. This is a standard feature of contemporary mail services; this plugin provides it to your users via Roundcube. Getmail Retriever was forked from ispcp_fetchmail by Arthur Mayer, . This plugin only works with getmail, fetchmail users should install ispcp_fetchmail, which can be found at: Released under the GPL license ( Installation instructions: -------------------------- Install getmail: apt-get install getmail (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint) or install from source at Create a directory for getmail and set ownership to the user:group your mail is delivered by: mkdir /mail/getmail chown -R vmail:mail /mail/getmail chmod -R 700 /mail/getmail Add Your mail user to the web server group so it can read the Roundcube config files: usermod -G www-data vmail In the Roundcube database create an additional table: mysql -u user -p password roundcube<